• 01/18/2025
  • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Redwood City/San Mateo County : Hikeleader: Gary Weiss


  • Registration for an SF Hiking Club Event with waiver of liability agreement.

Registration is closed


Hike Date:  Saturday, January 18, 2025

Leader: Gary Weiss

Leader Email:  gary@sfhiking.com

Leader Phone:  415 279-5570

SF Meeting Location: Whole Foods;  2001 Market St. @ Dolores (on the Dolores St. side); parking on the street or below. Please only show up at Whole Foods if you've arranged to meet your ride or driver there.

East Bay Meeting Location: Rockridge BART, bottom of escalator.

Meeting Times: 9:00 AM from SF; 8:50 from Rockridge BART.

Rating:  Level 4

Mileage: 10 miles

Elevation Gain: 1950 ft

Description:  El Corte de Madera Creek Preserve is a beautiful, mostly deeply forested park.  It's also very popular - especially on the eastern side and on weekends.  By starting from the remote western side we shouldn't expect to see any hikers until much later in the hike. We'll be passing among some very old redwoods, including one enormous old-growth example, madrones and Douglas firs, but periodically we'll be on trails above the tree line with some spectacular views. We'll stop to visit the stunning and likely the best example of a Tafoni Sandstone formation in the Santa Cruz mountains.  Unfortunately dogs are not permitted in San Mateo preserves.

Bring/Wear:  Plenty of water, good hiking shoes, lunch, snacks and layers for a winter hike.  AND chocolate!

Rain Policy: Contact hikeleader if weather is questionable.

Driving Distance: 68 miles total there and back

Car Pool Fees: $9

Trailhead Meeting Place: Take 280 to the CA-92 West towards CA-35 and Half Moon Bay.  Take a right at the light and, at the top of the hill take CA-35 to the left (south).  After about 7.5 miles you'll come to Swett Rd (shortly after Tunitas Creek Rd.) (It's very easy to miss!)  Take it down to the right until a T.  Left on Star Hill Rd. for about 1.5 miles to the parking area.  Plug in 913 Star Hill Rd. Here's the G-Maps link:  Star Hill Road Parking

Trailhead Meeting Time:  10:00 AM

Trailhead Departure Time: 10:15 AM

Total driving distance, there and back: 34 miles from SF; 65 from Rockridge.

Passenger Carpool Fees from SF:  $9  From Rockridge BART: $15

(I will inform you of carpooling arrangements by late Thursday or early Friday.)

Level-3 Level-4 Level-5

< 5 miles
< 500' gain

moderately easy
5-7 miles
< 1000' gain
7-9 miles
< 1500' gain

9-12 miles
< 2000' gain 

very strenuous
12-15+ miles
  >2000' gain
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